Magzter Library can be implemented via five different methods:
IP address - Magzter Library access can be given to all the IP addresses of an organization or a library. Once the employees/library patrons are connected to any of those IP addresses from their desktop/laptop/mobile via LAN/Wi-Fi, they can access all the publications on the Magzter Library website/app.
Domain name - Magzter Library access can be given to all the email addresses ending with a domain name. The employees/library patrons can sign in to the Magzter Library website/app with their email address ending with that domain name and access all the publications until the subscription expires.
Access Code - A unique Access Code can be created for an organization or a library. The HR Team/librarian can share this unique Access Code with the employees/library patrons, who can redeem it on the Magzter Library website/app and indulge in unlimited reading until the subscription expires.
Library Card - Magzter Library access can be given to all the library patrons via their library cards. The library patrons can sign in to the Magzter Library website/app with their email address and enter their library card details, and access all the publications until the subscription expires.
Smart Reading Zone (SRZ) - Smart Reading Zone is a GPS-based feature that can offer unlimited reading access on the Magzter Library app at any location instantly. Once an organization or a library is turned into a Smart Reading Zone, the employees/library patrons can access all the publications on the Magzter Library app when they are at that organization/library.